
Pay Per Click

The Google Adwords Acceleration Matrix

Want to breathe new life into your Google Ads campaigns? The secret to higher ROI isn’t in what you do in your account. Instead, it lies in what you say to your audience. In this article, you will learn the 9-step process that will make your ads stand out in crowded me-too looking search results. Instead of a to-do list, you’ll leave with a done-with-you prototype of what has been consistently proven to become the highest converting ad in ad accounts with millions of dollars of annual ad spend.


Google Adwords is 20 years old, and has made approximately $790 billion in advertising revenue through its platform…that’s insane! So why are your ads getting fewer clicks than they used to? When you start looking at ads in any competitive vertical, every ad is looking the same. How can you make your Google ads stand out? 

An ROI on Google ads requires strategy, scale, and sales

These 3 elements of the matrix require:

Attention: You need the right eyes on your product
Connection: You have to win over their hearts
Conversion: Now, you can open their wallet

When you don’t have attention, you end up without an audience.
When you don’t have a connection, you end up without authority.
When you don’t have a conversion, you don’t have sales.

The 3 Acceleration Points to Get Attention, Connection, and Conversion

Intent: If you can articulate your prospects problems better than they can, they will trust you
Remember: You want traffic and conversion, but they want transformation. Speak to this transformation
Content: If you give them what they want in the content you create, they’ll become attached to you
Present: Make an offer with the above content that opens their wallet

Intent needs to be identified and then aligned to the message you are putting on the market.

Content needs to talk about the prospect’s problem and make prescriptions that will solve it.

Present needs to be clear and compelling; a confused mind never buys, nor does one who doesn’t think they are getting a good deal.

“In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.” – Seth Godin

When you get this right, you have a bankable strategy that skyrockets ROAS.

The 9 Keys to Winning in Adwords

Ask yourself, what is the most important outcome of users clicking this ad? To create an ad like this:

Avatar: the individual who is responsible for making the buying decision for this product

Product: talk about 1 product that solves 1 problem with 1 promise

Prospect Intent: the Avatar doesn’t want to buy the software, they want to hit their targets by scoring big deals faster

Stat Based Proof: a claim that you can make based off client results or an industry stat you can leverage

Top Benefit: show the Avatar how you’ll transform their problem with your product

Top Objection: answer the questions of why to buy anything, why buy it now, and why buy it from my company

Sense of Entitlement: every customer has a sense of entitlement about what they deserve

Call To Action: should be placed throughout your entire ad through micro calls to action as well as a primary call to action

Keyword Congruency: we care more about the intent that a user has to buy than the volume of people searching specific keywords

Traits of Good Connection Ad:
Write an ad to 1 person, for 1 problem, and 1 promise
Increase certainty, trust, and clarity
Decrease fear, uncertainty, and doubt
Tell them what to do next

5 Principles of a Good Ad

Principle 1: Align the Intent
Give customers what they want by knowing their intent and then aligning all of your ads and sales pages with that intent.

Principle 2: Focus on the Heart
“Divorce Solicitor London?” has a 4% CTR, and “Is he with her right now?” has an 8% CTR.

Principle 3: Create Clarity and Congruence
The promises you make in your ad are the ones you keep on your landing page and all the way through your customer value journey (even in retargeting).

Principle 4: Become a Goal Digger
Show your Avatar the transformation they want and give them a great deal for it.

Principle 5: Achieve Total Recall
The Boomerang Strategy: with sequential ad marketing, you know people are going to come back.

If you still require help with your adwords strategy or need to set up adwords campaign, not to worry… email us at and we can provide you with some guidance.


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